Research Methods Support 

Building Your Team’s Research Capacity​

Build your team’s capacity to conduct high-quality and rigorous research.

We have spent years learning and applying research methods. Being able to do good-quality research takes time and confidence. Let us help you develop your team’s capacity to understand and apply evidence-based research methods.

We want to challenge the notion that you need to do a graduate degree to understand evidence-based research. Let us help your team understand and apply research methods.

We Offer the Following Services

Patient and family engagement in research

What is it? How do we do it? Today, research grants require or strongly recommend engaging patients and/or families throughout the research process. We have years of experience engaging people in healthcare activities. Let our team facilitate patient and family engagement for your research projects.

Designing research studies and protocol development

Consult our team to understand evidence-based research methods and protocol design. Let our team assist you in designing meaningful, person-centered, and impactful research protocols. We can help develop research questions and eligibility criteria, frame problems and rationale for your research, and format the protocol for submission to a granting agency. Working with us will increase your chances of acquiring funding.

Search strategy

Let our team develop and run search strategies for your evidence syntheses. We are experienced information scientists who can design comprehensive database and grey literature search strategies.

Data collection and analysis

Let us design protocols and processes for data collection and analysis. We will train your team to understand how to collect and analyze data.

Qualitative coding and statistical analysis

Invite us to provide a crash course on qualitative coding and statistical analysis for your team. This will build your team’s capacity to conduct effective, relevant, and rigorous research.

Writing manuscripts and other knowledge products

We are experienced publishers and writers. Let us advise you on maximizing your knowledge of products' writing, communication, and impact. We will ensure that your work is not lost in the research sea.

Knowledge mobilization techniques

We are experienced in creative, innovative, and novel knowledge mobilization. Let us work with you to develop effective, meaningful, and relevant knowledge mobilization strategies for your project so that your messages reach the right people at the right times and places.

Stakeholder management

Managing different stakeholders in a research project can be complex. We are experienced project managers that make the entire process easy for you. Invite us to communicate with stakeholders by organizing and facilitating meetings, preparing materials, and collecting their input.

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