Evidence Products

Evidence Products

Take the load off your staff and have us generate evidence to support your programs, health service design, and decision-making. We have over 15 years of expertise leading diverse, challenging, and unique research projects in different disciplines. We will deliver anything you need with rigor, quality, and passion.

Need to understand a topic for future research? Need to justify the impact and reach of your services for funding applications? Need to expand your services?

We have experienced research methodologists with over 15 years of experience to help me meet your needs.

Some of the products we specialize in include the following:

A quick synthesis of evidence that addresses decision-making needs (i.e., within one month).

A quick synthesis of evidence that addresses decision-making needs (i.e., within 2 months)

A quick synthesis of the logistical, political, and administrative barriers to implementing an intervention or program.

A synthesis of ethical issues surrounding technology, program, policy, or intervention.

A rapid qualitative or mixed methods study to quickly understand people’s experiences, perspectives, and preferences towards an intervention, program, or technology.

A theoretical synthesis of existing policies, regulations, and laws on a topic to inform the development or update of a new policy. This may be useful to conduct before implementing a health care technology or application.

A comprehensive synthesis of a topic, research question, or
literature. This synthesis will assess what is known about a topic or research question and identify gaps and priorities.

An evidence synthesis that assesses intervention or treatment efficacy.

A comprehensive and theoretical qualitative synthesis of a topic or research question to inform policy making. This synthesis will provide a detailed view of people’s perspectives and experiences towards a device, technology, product, or treatment.

We can generate a report outlining your urgent and non-urgent risks and strategies to mitigate, reduce or prevent each risk. 

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